
- 2021-08-03-

1. 该钩子 should be manufactured by a formal professional factory in accordance with the technical conditions and safety specifications of the 钩子, and the product should have the quality certificate of the manufacturer, otherwise it is not allowed to be used.
2. The new 钩子 should be subjected to a load test, and the opening of the measuring 钩子 should not exceed 0.25% of the original opening.
3.During use, check whether the 钩子 is cracked or severely deformed, corroded and worn.
4. 该钩子应该每年测试一次。试验过程中,进行1.25倍许用工作负荷的静态试验10分钟,并用放大镜或其他方法检查。不应有裂纹、裂纹和残余变形。
5、三个危险部分用煤油清洗干净。用放大镜看看是否有裂缝。板用钩子s, 检查衬套和销钉是否磨损。
6. Defects on the 钩子 shall not be repaired.